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Seed School

The Magical World of Seeds
A comprehensive school for learning about seed banking. Take proper care of your seeds so you can scale your project, or save seeds for the next generation.
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Video Chapters

7 hours in total

Text materials & Videos

7 chapters

Chapter Questions

20 Questions

Certificate of Completion


What's included?

Step by step guide through the process of seed collection and how to properly process seeds so can stay alive and healthy.

Unique Learning Paths

We walk you through the process.  We also provide you with a list of all the equipment you will need to develop a seed lab.

Video Conferencing

We offer short videos so you can watch a person go through the processes you are learning.


We will check your chapter questions and grade your performance.

Discuss with others

Development of a network to share experience and questions.

Course Chapters

Created by

Jill Wagner

Seed Bank Specialist
As the founder of Future Forests Nursery on Hawaiʻi Island, and the director of the Hawaiʻi Island Seed Bank; reforestation and seed banking are my life’s work, which involves a deep commitment to supporting the health of our planet. I believe that communities should lead their forestry projects and receive the support they need to nurture new forests and keep existing forests standing for future generations.

Our students love us

Seeds are the foundation of our life and civilization. In these turbulent times with the ever-pressing reality of climate change accelerating global species extinction, I see seed banking as the ticket to our future and thanks to this resource is something that anyone can learn to do. The opportunity to learn and practice seed banking was invaluable and will forever impact my personal and professional goals relating to restoring biodiversity and health to the local landscape.” 
Tyler "Seed" Levine
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